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Re: 809 Der männliche Feminist/No Ma'am

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:03 pm
by No Ma'am President
A 5 star rating. Imo, one of the best eps. I loved how No Ma'am took control of Jerry Springer's talk show,loved the interplay between Al and Marcy, and who can forget former Playmate Lisa Boyle's appearance as Ms. Bubbles Double D ? I sure can't!!! :P :P

Re: 809 Der männliche Feminist/No Ma'am

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:38 am
by Dr. Shoe
Ok, something I've picked up on here that I do not think is coincidence, in three episodes including this one, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower is mentioned and Al clearly likes him.(0809, 0820, 0925) Also, One of the NO MA'AM members is named "Ike." This is in no way a common name over here. I've never met one. But Eisenhower was popularly know as "Ike." His political supporters would campaign for him saying "I like Ike." I think somebody working on the show liked the old guy. He was a very traditional American and very symbolic of the 1950s a time Al could have flourished in!

Here is Ike as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces talking to the troops on the eve of D-Day June 5th 1944.


And here he is as President. (1953-1961)


Re: 809 Der männliche Feminist/No Ma'am

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:15 pm
by basti85
Jerry: Ist da ein Anrufer?
Al: Al Bundy! Hören Sie mal Jerry! Bowling ist ein Männersport! Wenn Gott gewollt hätte, dass Frauen bowlen, hätte er ihnen die Brüste auf den Rücken gemacht, damit wir was zu sehen haben, während wir warten!
Jerry: Und wovon rufen Sie mich an, Sir? Von 1951?
Al: Wär' das schön! Ike war im Weißen Haus, die Frauen waren in der Küche und Sie waren in der Tuntenbar!
Jerry: Und Sie haben vergessen zu erwähnen, wo Sie waren, Sir! Ich nehme an in irgendeinem Zoo und haben vorübergehende Touristen mit Kot beworfen!
Al: Nochmal: Wär' das schön!
Jerry: Gut, das reicht! Nehmen wir einen anderen Anrufer!
Al: Hey! Sie und Ihre donnernden Horden glauben, sie hätten den Bowlingstreit gewonnen! Aber ich will Ihnen mal was sagen: Donnerstagabend war immer der Bowlingabend der Männer! Und merken Sie sich das: Nächsten Donnerstag da bowlen wieder die Männer!!! :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: 809 Der männliche Feminist/No Ma'am

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:04 pm
by Shoe Dick
Who DARES give this episode a 1-star rating?! REVEAL YOURSELF!! :)

This is without a doubt one of the best episodes in all of MWC, such a classic in so many ways. The era of No Ma'am began with this episode, a milestone on this show! 5 stars, easy!

Re: 809 Der männliche Feminist/No Ma'am

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:14 pm
by Dr. Shoe
I also noticed that Jefferson's name is Jefferson "Millhouse" D'Arcy. Millhouse the same as Richard Millhouse Nixon who was Vice President of the United States under none other than Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Re: 809 Der männliche Feminist/No Ma'am

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 7:10 pm
by Officer Dan
Can you really give less stars than 5? I can't. This really is a classic 4-ever!!!!

Come on guys, we see No Ma'am's birth in this episode.... and the 1-star voter must be a chicken :D :mrgreen: